Thursday, May 5, 2011

Worth waiting for... Asparagus!

There are some situations for which you just have to be patient. Especially in the garden. There is no instant gratification on most fruits, for example. And we knew when we decided to plant asparagus in the vegetable garden that we would have to wait until the third year to harvest.

Here are the little baby plants their very first season:

Well, we did it. We waited and now the asparagus are on their third year and it is asparagus harvesting season (at least in the Pacific Northwest). Today I picked (well cut) our very first asparagus and they are so beautiful.

I prefer to eat asparagus roasted in the oven with just a little olive oil, salt & pepper.

There are lots and lots of asparagus growing out in our little patch, so I'm pretty sure we may get sick of asparagus before we run out. Also, we received Sorrel in our farm share this week and I made the Sorrel Pesto (like last year).

I topped our Coho Salmon fillets with the pesto. It was a very green and very delicious dinner tonight.

1 comment:

Michael Lubitz said...

This was a dinner to remember!